Monday, April 13, 2009

Music Together

We are about to start another music class next week. These pictures are from the last class we took. As you can see, Aidan takes his music-making very seriously. He's pictured above with egg shakers. He is actually pretty good at staying with the beat--it's fun to watch. According to our teacher, we may have a little musical genius on our hands. No pressure, though, Aidan! :)
Each class runs for 10 weeks and the kids get to experiment with all kinds of instruments, movement/dance, and singing. Each new class focuses on one particular sound (our last class empahsized bells and the next class is all about triangles). So far, it's been a fun way for us to get out of the house and for Aidan to be around a regular group of kids. He loves watching the older kids run around and play their instruments.

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