Thursday, March 12, 2009

10 Months Today!

A couple of weeks ago we packed up some toys and spent the afternoon out on the driveway. It was a sunny day and we were all getting tired of hanging around in the house. Of course, once we were outside, Aidan could care less about his toys when there were so many leaves around! He liked them so much that he decided to eat a few! Yum!

Our little man is 10-months-old today! How did that happen? It just flew by. Before we know it, he'll be walking and talking. He's turning out to be quite the energetic little fellow with a strong-will and sweet heart. To date, Aidan is crawling, climbing, pushing his walker, clapping, shaking his head, doing a little sign language--he knows 2 signs: "more" and "nurse", waving and just starting to point at things. He's not the best sleeper in the world, but since he's such a sweet baby we'll let him off the hook for that one. He's very cautious in new situations and around new people, but once he feels comfortable he loves to be the center of attention. For the last 8 weeks or so we've been going to the baby story-time at the library. Aidan LOVES the librarian and crawls out into the middle of the circle to get closer to her and listen to her stories. It's the one place where he forgets all about mommy and is completely enthralled with the stories. He's also loving the baby swings at the playground these days. His teeth are coming in quite nicely, but he's still a bit resistant to eating solids! Eeek! I thought we were on a roll, but now all he wants are blueberries. Period. Not sure where he got his stubborness from??

The last 10 months have been so fun getting to know him. Alex and I love him so much and can't imagine life without him. We hope you all enjoy seeing him grow and change, even if it's over the Internet.

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