Saturday, February 21, 2009

Seriously, this is the last family blog I start--promise!

Since you are the only one who really reads these things anyway I'll just direct this to you!  I shut down the other baby blog because we were paying for it and I was rarely posting.  So, I started this blog in hopes that I'll post pictures occasionally, but won't have to feel guilty if I don't actually follow through. :)  Anyway, I'll do my best to keep it as updated as possible.  If you subscribe to this blog's feed (the RSS) you'll be notified every time I make a new blog post. This will save you from having to check to see if I've updated recently!  I do hope I'm able to keep up.  It's really neat having a record of Aidan's growth and progress.  
Love you,


Marie said...

Hi Nikki,

I love it!! The title is great. The blog looks really well designed. Great job! I am excited for more posts. No pressure, though. :) Love you guys! ~Marie

punkin said...

fantastic-I wasn't getting it that you've been keeping a blog-I'll subscribe to it now:) Your family is beautiful! Love to see the video of baby A (not so little anymore!), I'm excited to keep reading about it. Hope to see all of you soon! Much love

Peggy said...

Hi Nikki

We love this, we check everyday to see the pictures.

The ones in the new highchair were great...his teeth are so cute. Looks like a southpaw maybe?

Keep 'em coming.

We love you guys! Dad & Peggy