Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall is here, but first a summer recap!

Photo 1: Back in September we visited Snoqualmie Falls. Now that we're in Redmond it's a short 25 minute drive. We walked around the grounds and admired the Salish Lodge, which is situated right above the falls. Would be a fun place for a romantic getaway if we were independently wealthy.

Photo 2: We spent many evenings at the park this summer. Since it stays so light so late here, we'd head over to a nearby park with dinner and just hang out--hoping to tire Aidan out a little early! Usually worked!

Photo 3: It was Thai take-out this night.

Photo 4: And now that summer is officially gone, we're sad that "baby hot tub" days are over too. Instead of Aidan's usual indoor nighttime bath (how boring!) we did many afternoon outdoor baths in our trusty cooler. Saves water and makes the dragging afternoon seem to go by a bit faster.

Photo 5 & 6: And yes, Ruby is sad summer is gone too. The dog park was an almost daily destination when the weather was dry, but sloshing through the mud with a dog and a stroller is not my definition of fun. But we had a good run while it lasted! Alex is trying to convince me to sign Ruby up for a flyball team. Sounds interesting!

Photo 7 & 8: Along with many a picnic, we managed to get to the water quite often too. In the last two pictures we took a walk down to Lake Washington via the trails at St. Edward's State Park, which is the park that surrounds Bastyr University (where Alex and I both went to school).

Good bye, summer! We'll miss you around here! But you have one very satisfied customer in me. With sunny days from May until early October, this was for sure the best summer ever.